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Exploring the Benefits of the Bambu Lab X1E Over the X1C Combo

27 abr 2024

Exploring the Benefits of the Bambu Lab X1E Over the X1C Combo

The Bambu Lab X1E represents a leap forward in professional and engineering-grade 3D printing. Here, we highlight the substantial benefits of opting for the X1E over the X1C Combo and discuss which users would gain the most from these upgrades.
How to Operate Your Bambu Lab X1E as a Secure, Offline

26 abr 2024

How to Operate Your Bambu Lab X1E as a Secure, Offline "Black Site" Printer

In industries where security and confidentiality are paramount, running your 3D printer in a "black site" mode—completely disconnected from any network—is essential. The Bambu Lab X1E offers robust capabilities for high-performance, standalone printing. 


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